Have You Ever Wanted to Become a ‘Roadie’?
A couple weeks ago a friend of mine made a comment to me that he thought I would make the perfect 'Roadie'. Quite frankly, at first I wondered how he had arrived at that assumption, or what qualifying traits he used to put me on the road humping gear. How About You? Would YOU do it?
I think the job title, 'Roadie' is a fairly general one, to be sure! First, I'm probably at the very end of the age-spectrum with regards the job, and other than being able to tune a guitar and work hard, I possess none of the formal technical training with regards to sound engineer, lighting technician, or guitar tech. Come to think of it, I do possess some decent carpenter skills and hydraulic & electrical training, but those skills probably not what I would call prime job duties related to the work.
Lets face it, these crews bust their asses, many for minimum wage, have to work very long & physical work hours. After all that I still think the job carries with an interesting 'mystique', which is why I'm thinking of putting it back on my bucket-list. We shall see. Anyway...............
What I'd like to do is ask the question of YOU, the loyal Z-Rock Faithful. WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE A ROADIE, even if it was just for a short period? If so, for what ARTIST or which TOUR would you like to be on , lets say, for 6 week run? C'mon.....I know it's crossed your mind at least once!
Tell us by POSTING BELOW or at the Z-Rock Facebook Page!
Thanks! -'Train Wreck' ~ Z-Rock Weekends
Have You Ever Wanted to be a 'Roadie'? If so, for WHO, on
what tour? ~ tell us why below, or on the Z-Rock Facebook Page!
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