Please Save These Mental Health Resources Available in #RochMN
The first thing I want to say is...if you are in crisis and need immediate emergency assistance, call 9-1-1 or Crisis Response of SE Minnesota at (844) 274-7472. The second thing I want to say is you are not alone dealing with depression, anxiety, bi-polar, or a ton of other mental health issues. You're not broken, you're not weird, you're not a mistake, and you deserve respect and love just like everyone else. It is easy to think and feel like you don't matter, but. You. Matter.
Crisis Text Line
Text 741-741
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
(800) 273-TALK
(800) 273-8255
Call 9-1-1
If someone is in immediate danger to themselves or others. When you're calling law-enforcement, aks for someone with CIT training (Crisis Intervention Team).
Olmsted County Victim Services
Crisis line: (507) 289-0636
Business line: (507) 328-7270
Crisis Response of Southeast Minnesota:
(844) CRISIS-2
(844) 274-7472
Women's Shelter
Crisis line: (507) 285-1010
or text 507-251-8704
Business line: (507) 285-1938
Farm & Rural Helpline
(833) 600-2670
Family Service Rochester (link)
(507) 287-2010
There are so many "national months of...", why does Mental Health Month matter? One in five Americans is affected by mental health conditions, but many won't talk about it because there's still stigma attached to mental illness.
Other Community Resources:
- Substance Abuse Help: Minnesota Adult & Teen Challenge
- Food Bank: Channel One Regional Food Bank