Van Halen – Now Would Be the Time to Come Together!
Jeff's blog post from Thursday asking the question: 'Would This Be an Epic SB Halftime Show?' Yes, it would be the perfect opportunity for one of America's ultimate party bands to put aside the past and come together for the ultimate party in the north! I've got a plan.....
I really like this concept, now at a time when America needs an example to put aside differences for the overall good. The same could be said for (arguably) one of the greatest American Party Bands of all time! Their music has inspired hoards of musicians to carry the torch of rock & roll, and inspire others in the process, not to mention creating party soundtracks for the generations!
These poster boys of internal dysfunction spinning-off their differences could dispel all of that and set a mighty impressive example. I can imagine the full line-up back together, can you? Dave, Eddie, along with Sammy, Michael, Alex, and yes, even Wolfie all on stage doing what they do best!
OK, maybe I'm too idealistic, optimistic, or even delusional, but it's worth a shot. (I like fanning the flames anyway!) If you'd like to help and get behind this initiative I've compiled a list of links below, both Facebook & Twitter that we can use to really make some sweet noise! Notice that I have also included the NFL Commish, Pepsi, the NFL, and official social media link and website to a Minnesota organization tasked with getting us ready for SB 52.
I say what the hell.... let's give it a shot. I for one would love to see the SB Halftime Show ROCK again! Recently a Twin Cities newspaper floated some ideas based on an informal poll to consider Bob Dylan, a Prince Hologram, among others. OK, so do it.....work it in...work it up! It could ALL work together..........nicely! I could see Eddie Van Halen squaring-off with a Prince Hologram, couldn't you? #mnNICE
I've got an alternative idea, but I won't divulge that until next weekend.....stay tuned!
'Train Wreck' ~ Z-Rock Weekends
Use your COPY/PASTE skills & get crackin'! -'train' \m/\m/
#HASHTAGS to use in support of this effort, especially on TWITTER!
Facebook Links
Twitter Accounts
http://twitter.com/vanhalen - @vanhalen
http://twitter.com/eddievanhalen - @eddievanhalen
http://twitter.com/alexvanhalen - @alexvanhalen
http://twitter.com/DavidLeeRoth - @DavidLeeRoth
http://twitter.com/RealMadAnthony - @RealMadAnthony
http://twitter.com/SammyHagar - @SammyHagar
http://twitter.com/WolfVanHalen - @WolfVanHalen
http://twitter.com/MNSuperBowl2018 - @MNSuperBowl2018
http://twitter.com/NFLcommish - @NFLcommish
http://twitter.com/NFL - @NFL
http://twitter.com/Pepsi - @Pepsi
http://twitter.com/JanieVanHalen - @JanieVanHalen (publicity company)
Minnesota SB Organizers
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