Rochester Band Needs A Bus To Melt Faces
If you've ever been in a band, you know the desire to have your own tour bus is real.
That's exactly what Rochester rockers The 9th Planet Out are looking for. They need you to help them melt some faces around the country. Don't know them? You should. You've seen them tear up the Wicked Moose multiple times, including its last rock show back in March.
These guys really rip! They're a down and dirty hard rock band, and if you don't know them, you're missing out.
Their latest mission (getting a bus) is an endevour that isn't surprising. It's the next step on their ladder of success. They explain on their funding page,
"First and foremost, we would just like to extend a heartfelt thank you to each and every one of you for your ongoing love and support – over the past year the encouragement and support The 9th Planet Out has received has been overwhelming amazing, and is something we do not take for granted.
We love the life we live as a young and aspiring original band, however, just like any other walk of life, we face a series of roadblocks. In order to raise money for the long road ahead of us, we are reaching out to the music community, our friends, and fans to help us raise funds for travel costs, equipment costs, and a variety of upcoming expenses."
Who wouldn't want to help them!? Still unsure? Let them prove how hard they rock this summer at Thursdays On 1st. They're set to play on June 29th at 5pm. I'll be there, and I hope you will too.
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