It's been five years since Philip H. Anselmo & The Illegals released their Walk Through Exits Only debut, not that Anselmo has been quiet since. Juggling a number of projects, the Pantera legend has added a handful of releases to his name since that 2013 effort and the band is returning with their sophomore album, Choosing Mental Illness as a Virtue. They've conspired with Loudwire to bring you the latest track, "Delinquent," which can be heard below.

It's a caustic song filled with swirling, dissonant abrasion that at times is reminiscent of Australia's claustrophobic death metal horde Portal, a band Anselmo has tattooed on his leg. More grounded rhythm work opens "Delinquent," keeping the balance between tremolo-picked, nightmarish swells and the sense of groove that has permeated the singer's career.

Anselmo was a bit more succinct but just as effective in describing the song, stating, “Old school-meets-ugly-school. Good shit.”

Choosing Mental Illness as a Virtue will see a Jan. 26 release on Anselmo's own Housecore Records and pre-orders are available at the label's webstore. For digital reservations, head to the group's Bandcamp page and if you haven't already, check out the title track and "The Ignorant Point" to whet your Anselmo appetite until the album is out.

Philip H. Anselmo & The Illegals, "Delinquent"

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