Rochester, MN (KROC AM News) - Election officials around Minnesota will catch their breath after a long day Tuesday dealing with a large voter turnout.

The turnout in Olmsted County was around 89.5 percent, close to the 93 percent total from the 2012 presidential election.

The vote total was put at 80,753. That includes a total of 16,924 absentee ballots that were collected.

Turnout in some precincts was over 90 percent.

One Rochester precinct - 1st ward, 10th precinct (Willow Creek School)  - had a turnout of 100.45 percent. The vote total was 451. The number of registered voters before election day was 449, meaning there were some new registrations during the day. In fact, Olmsted County election official Pam Fuller says her staff was busy through the day rushing new registration forms to various precincts.

Minnesota voters kept a long tradition intact as a small majority favored Clinton over Trump.The margin of victory was 43,000 votes. The last time a Republican won the presidential race in Minnesota was Nixon in 1972. Clinton won Olmsted County by 600 votes.

Next up will be a canvassing of the results to verify their accuracy.


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