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You can buy all sorts of different fireworks to celebrate our nation's independence on the 4th of July, right? But which ones are actually legal here in Minnesota?

Well, not many. Okay, that's not exactly true. But most of the really fun-looking fireworks? Yeah, they're probably not legal. (Back in my home state of Wisconsin, though, it's another story. Because many of my homies back in America's Dairyland are basically a bunch of pyromaniacs. That explains the proliferation of fireworks tents selling all those fun fireworks right over the Wisconsin border, where it's still legal.)

But here in the Land of 10,000 Lakes, the Minnesota State Fire Marshall has outlined just what you can legally light off this 4th of July:


  • Sparklers
  • Cones and tubes that emit sparks
  • Novelty items like snakes, and party poppers.

That's pretty much it. (Okay, there are a FEW more legal fireworks... you can check out the expanded list HERE.)

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Now, compare that with the list of ILLEGAL fireworks here in Minnesota:

  • Firecrackers
  • Bottle rockets
  • Missiles
  • Roman candles
  • Mortars and shells

And that's just the beginning-- you can check the expanded list HERE. Basically, though, if it's something fun, something that leaves the ground and explodes in the air, you can bet your bippy it's not legal here in the North Star State. (And click HERE to check out what could happen if you get caught SNEAKING fireworks into the Bold North.)

Of course, how does that old saying go? It's not illegal if you don't get caught, right? (Kidding!) By the way, if you're looking for some amazing fireworks displays-- the ones that are legal-- you're in luck. Many community displays are back to full strength this year, after having been canceled or paired down the past two years due to the pandemic. So, click HERE for our 2023 guide to the best and brightest 4th of July fireworks here in Minnesota this year.

Because just about EVERY city and town has some kind of fireworks display, right? Well, except maybe the following cities-- because they're the smallest in Minnesota. Keep scrolling to see which ones made the list!

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