Happy Birthday Joe...and Joe's Son Nathon

Photo: Second Street Waving Guy—Joe Johnson
Photo: Second Street Waving Guy—Joe Johnson
I cry tears running down my eyes everyday life is very beautiful and enjoy all we have and go on from there

There's a touching post on Rochester, Minnesota's Second Street Waving Guy—Joe Johnson's Facebook Page. In it, we learn a little bit more about Joe Johnson (he was almost a Firecracker Baby!), about his son, and the love he has for his family.

PLEASE READ: Joe wrote this for his birthday today. And it's his son's birthday. He also took an amazing selfie. He wants to share it because you are all gifts to him.

Credit: Flag Waving Joe Johnson's FB Page
Credit: Flag Waving Joe Johnson's FB Page

"Hi hello to you all today is a very special day on July 2, 2022 it's me and my son happy birthday day to us both. Hope you all will wish US a happy birthday. So it's the 2nd St waving Joe and son birthday. my whole name is Joseph Leonard Johnson my son whole name is Nathon Joseph Johnson

I'm so proud of being a father. love my son with All My heart. he's my life his everything to me he's everything and all a father dad mom mother you could ever have in life. l look up to my son, do all l can to help him, be there for him. l love him all my heart soul mind everything.

l cry tears running down my eyes today for great joy of me being his father dad plus me and my ex girlfriend created a wonderful son. great life god gave us. I always wanted to be a father dad man person

Courtesy 2nd Street Waving Guy - Joe Johnson
Courtesy 2nd Street Waving Guy - Joe Johnson

I'm so happy proud to have been the greatest father dad man god created my mom and dad so proud of them they are everything to me love them both all my heart soul mind plus so much more.

I have always looked up to my parents. I cry tears running down my eyes everyday life is very beautiful and enjoy all we have and go on from there I want to wish you All with all my love hugs and kisses to have a great safe fourth of July.

And if you come bye my way when I waving my flags say hi honk and you see me drinking Pepsi drop off a can of pop and water i will drink it all for you.

so take care god bless you all. I love you all thanks for always support what I do for our troops veterans plus all the people I try to help the kids do for Donate life The Ronald McDonald house and all them great kids l love them all plus more things I do for the Rochester, Minnesota USA United States of America community.

So for now bye take care god bless you all Joseph Johnson"

Happy Birthday to Joe and his son Nathon. You are a gift to us, too, Joe.

As always, if you have a comment, complaint, or concern about something I wrote here, please let me know: james.rabe@townsquaremedia.com

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