Dear Rochester,

I know this decision wasn't easy for you either (and that it's impossible to please everyone), but I think you should know how your citizens are feeling about the decision regarding the use of The Armory Building.

We all saw two amazing proposals for the use of this building presented. Both plans were very well thought out. In my opinion, they both offered something for everyone.

Google street view
Google street view

My question to you; is  "why?" I simply ask, why did it appear that Castle Community was the better choice? What are you, as decision makers within our city, looking for?

Before I continue, let me now say that I fully support your decision. I do intend to visit the new facility and look forward to doing so. To be honest, I think most of us are happy that another doctor's office or expensive housing complex isn't being arranged for The Armory Building. We do need a community center. I would've supported whichever decision you made.

Furthermore, I trust that you made this choice based on what you believed was best for this town. I don't pretend to have full knowledge of the weight of that responsibility, which I'm sure is a great one.

However, what I (and many, for that matter) am having a hard time processing is the broken hearts of the artists, musicians, and poets within our city. It pains me to see that they generally have little faith in the local arts climate. This is why I'm asking, how can we work harder?

What can we do to prove that there is just as much hunger for a new music venue? It's there.



Someone who still loves Rochester, and wants it to grow.

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