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Huge List of Items That Goodwill Will NOT Accept at Minnesota Stores

My house in Minnesota had a major transformation last month.  One night, when I was sick of looking at all of my stained carpets, I had the idea to recarpet our house. It sounds like a simple task but before Hammernick's came in to install my new flooring, I was going to repaint the inside of our house.  By myself.  And somehow do all of this...and work...and have kids go back to school...oh, and we threw in a massive surgery for my husband too.

Photo by Theme Photos on Unsplash
Photo by Theme Photos on Unsplash

In the process of getting the rooms ready to paint and carpet, I realized that we had a lot of extra stuff.  LOTS!  Piles of toys the kids don't use anymore.  Ping pong balls and paddles that we don't have a table for anymore.  Why we still have them...I have no idea. 

And the clothes.  What a disaster my closet was!  I had an area of clothes that were my "dream" options...for that body that I haven't been since 8th grade.  There was the pile of "if I only ate salad" clothes, which let's face it, I don't like salad that much.  Thankfully, all of my yoga pants fit at any size...and I have plenty of those.

Runner tying sport shoes
blyjak ThinkStock

As I'm putting our house back together, I decided that nothing is going to be allowed to stay if it doesn't have a home itself.

Jessica Williams
Jessica Williams

Before I knew it, the back of my SUV was completely full and it was off to the thrift store to share our no-longer-needed treasures with others that can use them.  As I was venturing around town to drop off items at locations, I found out that Goodwill has a list of items that they won't accept.  Before you fill up your car, go through the list below so you know what can be donated and what can't.

Minnesota Goodwill Stores Will NOT Accept These 13 Items

While there is an appreciation for donating items, there are actually many things Goodwill will not accept, especially in Minnesota. So here is a list of all the things that Minnesota Goodwill’s will not accept. 

Gallery Credit: Kinsey

Jessica Williams
Jessica Williams

4 Weird Things that Are Illegal to Do in Minnesota

We have laws, of course, to protect ourselves and others. But there are some laws that are just plain weird.

Gallery Credit: Carly Ross

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