Not sure if you heard, but someone is taking home $30,000. #NotAJoke It could be you, and if it is, here are 10 ways you could spend that cash in Minnesota.
It's not a matter of "if" you will have a car problem, it is a matter of "when" your car starts to have issues. Thanks to Google and those tracking what is being searched, these are the top 5 car problems people have in Minnesota.
Visual Capitalist recently published a report showing what states were the smartest based on average IQ numbers and Minnesota is showing up in the Top 10.
Stacker compiled some research and found the top states that are seeing a big exodus of people making that life decision to pack up and move to Minnesota.
Wallets, purses, even those Lululemon fanny packs teenagers are wearing across their chests...all need to be checked. #AndYesItLooksLikeAFannyPack #YouKnowIAmRight