Warm Their Heart and Body – Blankets Needed at Rochester Women’s Shelter
You know how you make sure someone notices your blog? You use a cute dog or cat. Since I'm allergic to cats, I go dog in bed. Cute...and the bed is an important part of this story.
I was talking to someone this weekend about the Rochester Women's Shelter needing a bunch of new, toasty warm twin size blankets. She set a reminder on her phone to grab blankets while shopping today. She also told me this...
"When I left a really bad relationship, I literally left on the spur of the moment, I had my winter coat, sneakers, and not much else. When I got to the shelter, I had a bed, and a new blanket, and trust me, that little spot became my safe space. When I left, I took the blanket with me, because...I didn't have a blanket. I was starting all over again."
It's been over 20 years, but she still has that blanket. It reminds her of how fierce she is.
If you can donate a new, cozy warm, TWIN SIZE blanket, that would be so fantastic. Just call their direct number, 507-285-1010 and they'll fill you in on drop off areas.
Listen to James Rabe 6a to 9a on Y-105 FM