Why Did Albert Lea PD Interrupt A Basketball Game?
Hint: not a single person was busted that afternoon.
You were probably thinking what I was thinking when I first saw this photo. "What were the officers busting these kids for now??"
According to their Facebook page, Officers Alex Kunkle and Dan Schmitt were caught spending time on the court with some teens on summer break.
It's just that simple, folks. These men wanted to encourage the kids to be out in the community, and show them that officers are humans too. They like to play basketball just as much as anyone!
This story seriously warmed my heart when I breezed across it in my NewsFeed yesterday.
In my opinion (and especially in today's society), more officers should take the time to interact with the community - just like this. Everyone could be engaging in something that they have a mutual passion for. Do you agree? Could we all benefit from moments like this?