School supplies add up quickly. So where can you shop to get the best deal: Amazon, Target, or Walmart? Luckily, WCCO took a look at each of these options to determine which is best for your wallet.

WCCO's Christiane Cordero grabbed a sixth-grade back-to-school shopping list and set to work. WCCO writes that "she shopped for the same name brands and quantities as much as possible."

Target and Walmart were very similar in price but Amazon's price tag was much higher! Almost double in price!

Target's final price tag came in at $58.10 and Walmart's at $57.03. Super close, almost just a dollar difference between those two. But unless you're shopping for a lot of kids I would suggest avoiding Amazon. Their price tag totaled a whopping $103.75 on top of the $119 a year for Prime if that's being utilized. The big issue with Amazon was that "items in bulk come with a better value, but went far beyond the quantities listed on the supply list."

Here are some price comparisons of specific items that Christiane found:

Index Cards: Target - 50 cents, Walmart - 50 cents, Amazon - $2.31

Pencil Case: Walmart - $5.88, Amazon - $9.99


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