What Getting Goosebumps When Listening To Music Says About You
As a music fan, one of life’s best moments takes place when you suddenly discover a song that you really like. It doesn’t have to be a new song, either; sometimes you’ll be listening to a song you’ve heard before, but for whatever reason it just clicks for you. It’s when you go from “this is a good song” to “this is the only song I am going to listen to for the next week.” Songs that are so good they give you goosebumps. I remember being back in high school and listening to “Enter Sandman” on my portable CD player through a pair of headphones (I hate how old this sentence makes me feel). Between that iconic riff, the lyrics, James Hatfield’s vocals, and the general awesomeness of the song, I was hooked.
As it turns out, my experience with “Enter Sandman” can tell a little bit about what kind of brain I have.
A recent study from Harvard University compared brain scans between students who say they sometimes “get chills” from music and students who do not. The findings revealed that people who get chills from music actually have a slightly different brain structure, giving them an enhanced ability to experience intense emotions. So if you ever get goosebumps or the chills when listening to a song? That means you may tend to have stronger emotions that can be triggered by music.
That's pretty interesting. I have to say that I'm glad I fall under the "chills" category, because that makes listening to music way more fun. Even though this means I might be slightly emo.
Source: Alternative Press
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