This Is One Of Minnesota’s Weirdest Laws
We've written about some of Minnesota's strangest laws before, but this is a new one. I don't think anyone is in danger of breaking this law, but it's probably good to know about juuuuuust in case.
The website Thrillist recently looked at some of the weirdest laws in each state; in Minnesota, it turns out that greased pig contests are illegal:
"No person shall operate, run or participate in a contest, game, or other like activity, in which a pig, greased, oiled, or otherwise, is released and wherein the object is the capture of the pig, or in which a chicken or turkey is released or thrown into the air and wherein the object is the capture of the chicken or turkey. Any violation of this section is a misdemeanor."
I'd love to know what exactly inspired this law to go into effect (apparently this law was passed and/or revised in 1971 and 1981). That must have been some Greased Pig Contest that made our lawmakers go "No, TOO FAR. NO MORE." Anyway, it's good to know that if you ever see a lubed-up pig roaming through Rochester, do not touch it. It could be a trap.
Source: Thrillist
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