I don't care what you think. Get your OWN list! There aren't many things in this world that I don't like so I've compiled a list of those things. Some people (actually many people) will disagree with me but...here goes.


  • ELO

    I have no idea why I don't like ELO. None. But I can't stand them. I cringe every time I hear them.

  • George Carlin

    I'm probably gonna catch a lot of hell for this but it's my list so. I think Carlin was terrible. I won't lie. He had his moments but for me, they were few and far between. Ugh! And while we're at it, let's throw Robin Williams in there too. Mostly the stand-up/Mork from Ork part of him. He was pretty good otherwise.

  • Buck Owens song "Tiger By The Tail"

    This is probably the worst song in the history of man. Buck Owens was a brilliant musician but as far as this song, ugh. it makes me angry every time I hear it.

  • Warm Beer

    Ok. I think we can all agree that warm beer sucks.

  • People That Don't Use Their Signal

    This irritates me and I'm sure many others. Fun fact: After I recorded this video, I was driving somewhere and forgot to use my turn signal. True story.

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