The Mega Millions Jackpot is up to $636 Million. Doesn't look like much until you put all the zero's in place. $636,000,000. There, that looks better. That would certainly buy a lot of beer & bacon.

I've always wondered what I would do with that kind of money. I always say, "I'd still work" but after some thought, I probably wouldn't. I mean, why? Why get up and go into work every day when you have a FAT chunk of change in the bank. You could literally do anything you want. Want to go on a HUGE vacation around the world? You can, with MILLIONS in your bank account. Wanna sit on the sidelines during the Super Bowl, while a stripper fills your gullet from a diamond encrusted pimp glass and feeds your belly with brats and nachos? You can, with MILLIONS in your bank account (maybe, that one might be stretching it a bit) But you get the point. Why would you still want to keep your job when you could be doing other COOL stuff? Because you'll get "bored?" That's why you have MILLIONS! Go MAKE something happen. When that gets boring, go do something else. You've got the money.

Maybe i would buy an island. Why not? Then when I'm looking to go to some place warm, BOOM! I'm going to the Island of Jeffico.....or whatever. (I'll have to work on the name)

Maybe I'll buy me a  football team. The Raiders look to be going for cheap.

Or, since my wife and I like to go camping, we could get one of these beauties

Or I'd hire Metallica to play my "pick up the big check" party.

Who knows. The possibilities are endless and I'd have a blast spending that much money.........and I'd probably still keep my job.......Cause my job rocks.


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