Rochester Ice Cream Shop Set To CloseRochester Ice Cream Shop Set To CloseAfter an awesome summer, I'm sad to see this one go since it's right near my office! Where will I get my ice cream now!??ValVal
Four Minnesota Toys R Us Stores To Close In 2018Four Minnesota Toys R Us Stores To Close In 2018Toys R Us is closing 180 stores across the country, according to CNBC, with four of them being in Minnesota. Is Rochester's location on the list?Luke LonienLuke Lonien
Legendary Minnesota Music Venue To CloseLegendary Minnesota Music Venue To CloseAnother one bites the dust.ValVal
Best MN Motorcycle RouteBest MN Motorcycle RouteHave you taken this route before? It's tied for the best motorcycle trip in Minnesota, and it's only minutes away from Rochester.ValVal