“I wake up every morning in a bed that's too small, drive my daughter to a school that's too expensive, and then I go to work to a job for which I get paid too little. But on Pretzel Day…well I like Pretzel Day.”

Fans of the television show, The Office, immediately recognize that quote from Stanley. Pretzel day is a big day at the offices of Dunder Mifflin and is recognized around the country on April 26th. On that day the actor that played Stanley Hudson, Leslie David Baker, will be in Minnesota for a special meet and greet where pretzels will be served.

Stanley From The Office is Coming To Minnesota For Pretzel Day

The Saint Paul Saints have released their promotional calendar and it features all sorts of wacky stuff that you'd expect at a minor league game. For me, the highlight is April 26th which is National Pretzel Day.

On that day, fans of The Office are being invited to the ballpark for a special meet and greet with Stanley.

The Office YouTube
The Office YouTube

There are two different ticket options for the game. For $20 you get an outfield seat and a soft pretzel. You'll have to spend more to meet Stanley though. For $80 you'll get a reserved infield seat, a pretzel with the works, and access to the private meet and greet.

On their Facebook page, The Saints said, " Join us on April 26 as we celebrate one of the greatest shows of all time…This special pre-sale ticket package is available NOW and includes a Meet and Greet with Leslie David Baker (who played Stanley Hudson) from the TV show The Office on National Pretzel Day. To purchase tickets visit saintsgroups.com and enter the password, Stanley."

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