The title of Rob Zombie’s sixth solo album is almost as long as the record itself. The Electric Warlock Acid Witch Satanic Orgy Celebration Dispenser clocks in at a streamlined 31 minutes.

The lineup of Zombie, guitarist John 5, bassist Piggy D and drummer Ginger Fish is the same as their last release, 2013‘s Venomous Rat Regeneration Vendor.

Zombie spent a lot of time working on the album, and is happy with the results: “I can easily say this is my favorite album yet... no joke. Yeah I know every f--king a--hole says that. But it is seriously our heaviest most f--ked up musical monster to date," he says, adding, “Not since Hellbilly Deluxe have I spent this long putting an album together. It was worth it."

The Electric Warlock... is exactly what you’d expect from Zombie: industrial tinged metal delivered with his trademark blend of samples, shock, horror and humor. The album begins with a brief opener that repeats the first half of the album title several times before launching into the moderately paced“Satanic Cyanide! The Killer Rocks On!”

“Well, Everybody’s F--king in a U.F.O.” is one of the catchiest and grooviest songs on the album, but with the racy title won’t be getting much airplay, at least not on commercial radio. Another song ripe for radio is the second single, “In The Age of the Consecrated Vampire We All Get High,” a heavy and ominous track with a memorable chorus and excellent guitar work from John 5.

After every few songs, a brief instrumental interrupts the proceedings before kicking back in. They act as a musical sorbet, cleansing the palette before the next ghoulish course begins. One of the instrumentals is acoustic, the other more industrial and electronic.

The songs on the album are lean and mean, with most between two and three minutes long. The exception is the closing track “Wurdalak,”nearly twice as long as the rest of the songs on the album. The tempo is slow, and it alternates heaviness and atmospherics, trailing out with soft piano and thunderstorm sound effects.

The Electric Warlock Acid Witch Satanic Orgy Celebration Dispenser is a heavy, well-played and well-crafted album that checks all the boxes Zombie fans have come to want and expect.

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