Cripes. It was a little chilly on Saturday. So chilly, in fact, that we had to start a fire and turn the heat on. But as Minnesotans, we're used to the weather changing constantly. Remember May 2nd, 2013? We knew snow was coming and we knew there was going to be a lot of it. It's just that when it hit, it didn't matter if you were used to it. It still sucked. I mean, c'mon man!

Pretty much happens every spring. A few years ago, it was a balmy 75 degrees on St. Patrick's Day. But again, we're used to it. Spring in Minnesota, It'll be 70 degrees and sunny for a few days then BOOM! Snow.

Anyway, here's a picture I took on that day. I think we got about 13 to 15 inches of snow. The good thing about spring in Minnesota, is that when it snows, it'll be gone soon... you know... because it's going to be sunny and 75 degrees again tomorrow.



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