Have you ever sent a text, only to look at it after you sent it and realized you made a mistake? Sometimes, auto correct has your back...but when it doesn't, the results are funnier than hell. A friend of mine on Facebook sent a text to another guy. Here's how it went.

bun facebook

Now, for those that aren't hip to the language kids are using today, "Boo" is described by the Urban Dictionary as:

"Boyfriend or girlfriend."
"Can you handle me? If you can't you ain't gonna be my boo."

The receiver of the text, was probably a little concerned or perhaps confused. Me? I laughed pretty hard when I saw it.

Then there's the gem below. As I remember it, it was New Years Eve and my sister in-law sent a text out to a friend of hers asking if she were coming out to party. The friend responded with something like her husband didn't want to come out because he wasn't feeling good. What followed, has to be one of the funniest auto corrects ever.

lick em text

I must have laughed for a good hour after reading this.

How about you? Do you have an auto correct fail you'd care to share?

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