When it comes to cold weather holiday destinations, Minnesota should be at the top of everyone's list, right? Well, not according to this new survey.


Now that Halloween is in the rear-view mirror, we can set our sites on the holiday season. I mean, hey-- Thanksgiving is only three weeks away! The gang over at Wallet Hub must have been thinking the same thing, because they just released their new list of the Best Winter Holiday Destinations for 2018.

And, seeing as we're ALL ABOUT cold and snow here in the Land of 10,000 (Soon-To-Be) Frozen Lakes, I figured Minnesota-- or the Twin Cities, at least-- would be on top of their list, right? I mean, we're the Bold North. We just hosted the Super Bowl earlier this year. We know how to do winter!

Well, not so fast my friend. According to Wallet Hub, Minnesota not only isn't on top of the list, we didn't even make the top ten. Come on, man! What's up with that?!? You know who topped their list? Chicago. Okay, I can't argue with that-- Chicago is a pretty great city that also knows how to do cold pretty well (even though it's not as far north as Minneapolis, but whatever.)

Now, to be fair, Minnesota did make their list-- but the Twin Cities are all the way down at #12. Ahead of us are fellow cold-weather places like Denver and Boston. That makes sense. But check out #3: Atlanta. Atlanta?!? A cold-weather holiday destination?!? Come one-- they freak out and pretty much shut the whole city down when they get an inch of snow down there!

You can read just how Wallet Hub came to their conclusions-- it's all based on affordability, weather predictions, holiday attractions and more-- HERE.  And while the numbers don't lie, I still think Minnesota should be ranked higher than Atlanta, right?

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Source: WalletHub

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