New Book Explains Rochester’s Hidden History

Rochester's history in Minnesota is well documented, thanks to the founding and growth of Mayo Clinic. But a new book is out that looks at the hidden history of Minnesota's Med City.
I confess that I'm a history nut. The story of how our current-day Mayo Clinic indirectly got its start after the big tornado ripped through Rochester in 1883 and Dr. William Worrall Mayo worked along with the sisters of St. Marys to establish a hospital is fascinating to me. (Mayo Clinic, of course, has way more details on its website.)
But now local author and historian, Amy Jo Hahn, has just put together a new book that looks at some other fascinating stories about Rochester that aren't necessarily as well known. Her book is called Hidden History of Rochester, Minnesota and it was just released last month by Arcadia Publishing.
The book is an intriguing look at Rochester's history and contains stories you probably haven't heard before. Like the story of Minnie Bowron, who was hired as the city of Rochester's first policewoman way back in 1917. Or the equally-intriguing story of William Costley, son of the first slave freed by Abraham Lincoln, who ended up living his last few months at Rochester State Hospital.
I was lucky enough to get to talk to Amy Jo about some of these stories-- and how she went about researching them-- in the interview below. Check it out! And, you can get more info and buy your own copy of Hidden History of Rochester, Minnesota HERE. Copies are also available at the Barnes & Noble location at Apache Mall and at the History Center of Olmsted County. (Plus, be sure to check out Amy's previous book, Lost Rochester, Minnesota, too!)
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