Minnesota – Be On the Lookout for Jumping Worms #Thanks2020
Got a note from the DNR today that made me do a double-take. "Watch out for jumping worms." Yes, Minnesota, jumping worms are indeed a thing, and the Minnesota DNR says we have to practice Jumping Worm Vigilance.
From MnDNR -
Jumping worms are a type of earthworm that looks similar to other common earthworms such as nightcrawlers. They are called “jumping worms” because they wiggle intensely when disturbed and sometimes appear to be jumping. Native to Asia, jumping worms have been confirmed in limited areas of Minnesota since 2006, mainly in the Twin Cities and western suburbs and in Rochester. It’s believe that they were spread throughout North America by people moving potted plants, soil, compost, mulch and fishing bait.
Well, thank you very much people moving potted plants, soil, compost, mulch, and fishing bait! As if Covid-19, killer hornets, and an election weren't enough to pile on in one year.
But seriously, these worms are bad news. Please watch this video (you could just listen if you don't want to see the worms)...
One way to tell if the jumping worms have been in your garden is if your soil looks like kitty litter or coffee grounds. They only use the top bit of soil, and just take all the good out of it. Get in touch with the Minnesota DNR if you see anything like in the video. Call 888-646-6367 or email info.dnr@state.mn.us
A BIG no no is buying bait advertised as jumping works, snake worms, Alabama jumpers or crazy worms. If you're an angler, get rid of any unwanted bait worms in the trash. And if you're just outdoors recreating, knock the mud of your boots and equipment.
Listen to James Rabe and Jessica Williams 6a to 10a on Y-105 FM's Early Morning Show.
You know it's rained because the worms come out...but how 'bout something in Minnesota that predits teh weather instead?