Isn't this getting a bit old? This time a VERY BUSY stretch of 18th Ave NW in Rochester is going to be tore-up for awhile, and will cause some inconvenience for those on and around one of the busiest streets in NW Rochester.

As you're getting ready to make your way to work come Monday it might be wise to plan a few more minutes into your travel time to work or you might be late.

Here are the dirty details:
18th Avenue NW (CR 112) Reconstruction from 37th Street NW to 55th Street NW
( as detailed at )

Getty Images/Flickr RF
Getty Images/Flickr RF

18th Avenue NW, also known as County Road (CR) 112, provides a critical connection in the growing northwest corner of Rochester. As the community has grown north to 55th Street NW and beyond, the traffic on 18th Avenue NW has also increased. The goal of this project is to reconstruct 18th Avenue NW to improve the function and safety of the roadway for pedestrians, bicycles, transit and vehicles while better serving the surrounding urbanizing land uses.

For more information on the project planning and design that led to this construction project, please visit Bolton-Menk 18th Avenue NW (CR112) Reconstruction Project

Project Updates
9.5.2017 News Release


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