Each week the Goodhue County Sheriff's Office publishes the highlights of the week on their Facebook page...and I share them here with my highlights of the highlights! And, along the way, maybe we all learn something about the day-to-day crimes and interactions of a Sheriff's Deputy.

The Best Of The Week


Kenyon TWP- Multiple reports of a vehicle (possible a side by side) with a light bar blinding drivers with the light bar then throwing items at the other vehicles. If you are the owner of this side by side and want to see a better, brighter light bar give us a call- We can show you how bright our light bars are and how cool the red and blue looks on them.

Someone commented the perfect comment on the GCSO FB page, so I'll share that instead of saying something.


File These Under...

Under Lessons They Should Have Learned In Grade School...

Welch- A welfare check on a person who was parked behind some grain bins while looking “drugged up” turned into that person being arrested for burglary of a shed by the grain bins and possession of drugs.

The suspect also vandalized at least one item inside the shed by writing their initials on the item. The suspect has been charged with: 3rd Degree Burglary, Felony Theft, and 5th Degree Drug Possession. Just because you write your name on it, it does not make it yours.

Under This Is Horrible and Needs To Stop

Welch- A report about a neighbor who is trapping cats then not telling the neighbors what she does with the cats. This is still being investigated.

Are you trapping family cats? Seriously...who would do this? Why would you do this?

Under Goodhue County Keepin' It Real

Red Wing TWP- A reporting party flagged down a Deputy to tell him he hit a Bobcat with his vehicle the previous night. The reporting party thought it was strange to see a Bobcat in the area. He was advised it is not strange to see them here.

Hi, my name is Bob.   rruntsch ThinkStock

GCSO highlights for the week of 10/19/21 to 10/25/21

Domestics/ Disturbance:

  • Pine Island- Deputies responded to a domestic that turned into a house fire. The suspect was taken into custody. No serious physical injuries were reported from the incident.
  • Roscoe TWP- Deputies responded to a verbal domestic that involved two intoxicated parties arguing about housework. The parties were separated for the evening.


The mountain landscape with Canyon Gorges du Durnand. Switzerland.
Some ravines look like this when there's no car in them. vidalidali
  • Welch- Report of an abandoned vehicle in a ravine. The vehicle turned out to be a suspect vehicle from some thefts in another County.
  • Pine Island- Report of a disturbance between an intoxicated male and a female.
  • Roscoe TWP- Illegal dumping report. A refrigerator was dumped in a field drive.
  • Goodhue TWP- Deputies responded to a remove unwanted. Deputies stood by while one of the subjects gathered and removed their stuff from the property.
  • Kenyon TWP- Report of a fire that may have been started accidently by the reporting party. The reporting party said they may have accidently shot something that caused the fire.
    • (Well, did you or didn't you? I guess it could have been Ghost Dog, who prowls Kenyon Township, with a magically grown opposable thumb...Ghost Dog.)
Ghost DOg smrm1977
  • Roscoe TWP- Deputies responded to a remove unwanted when a female who was already supposed to have moved out of a residence returned and damaged a vehicle on the property. Trespassing and damage to property charges are being considered by the County Attorney.
    • (I know you think it'll make you feel better, I get it. It won't. It just gives you so many more reasons to not feel better in the long run.)
  • Pine Island- Deputies assisted PIFD with a fully engulfed house fire.
    • (See the GoFundMe set up to help the family from this house fire HERE)


  • Pine Island- Report of juveniles stealing from a store. The juveniles were identified, their parents were spoken to and the case has been referred out.
    • (Dough-Heads...don't your parents have ENOUGH to worry about?)
  • Wanamingo TWP- Report of a theft of a trail cam.
  • Zumbrota TWP- Theft of 2 catalytic converters. A suspect was identified by the reporting party.
  • Zumbrota TWP- Theft of a vehicle. The owner left the vehicle on the side of the road with the keys in it while he went hunting. A possible suspect has been identified.
  • Pine Island TWP- Theft of (LEGAL) Cannabis plants and flags were reported. The theft was caught on camera.
  • Vasa TWP- Theft of a hunting bow.
  • Cannon Falls TWP- Report of a stolen catalytic convertor.
  • Pine Island- Report of a stolen trailer with lawnmowers on it.


  • Pine Island- A victim was knocked down by 2 dogs while on a walk. The owner of the dogs was cited for dogs at large. (And perhaps large dogs?)


  • Wanamingo- Deputies Assisted State Patrol on arresting a male with a warrant.
  • Pine Island- A vehicle was stopped for going 42 MPH in a 30 MPH zone and for squealing their tires. The driver was found to have a revoked driving status, and no proof of insurance.
    • A call to the vehicle owner revealed that the driver took the vehicle without permission. The owner declined to prosecute the driver for theft. The driver was cited for driving after revocation and Speed.
      • (Haven't I mentioned this before...if you're already in trouble, don't go out and call attention to yourself while you're doing something that will get you in MORE trouble.)
  • HWY 52- 2 drivers were cited for going 90 MPH in a 65 MPH zone.
  • HWY 52- a driver was cited for going 94 MPH in a 65 MPH zone.
  • Cannon Falls- A driver that caused an accident by turning their vehicle into a Semi Truck was issued a citation. Luckily no one was injured in the accident.
    • (Anyone else thinking, "TRANSFORMERS!")
  • Pine Island- A driver was cited for texting and driving. At a minimum, it is up to $100 fine (after fees) for your first offense. At a maximum you could take someone’s life. We can’t stress this enough- Put your phones down and pay attention to the road!
    • (All I can add is more !!!!!!)
  • Welch- A driver as cited for Failure to move over (Ted Foss Law). The Deputy was assisting another vehicle after they hit a deer when the suspect vehicle blew by the Squad. The suspect vehicle was so close to the squad car that they shook the squad car. IF YOU SEE LIGHTS (Squad, Ambulance, Fire Truck, Tow Truck, Maintenance or Construction vehicle- ANY lights), THEN MOVE OVER- IF YOU CANT MOVE OVER THEN SLOW WAY DOWN!!
    • (Again, all I can add is more !!!!!...common sense my peoples.)

As always, if you have a comment, complaint, or concern about something I wrote here, please let me know: james.rabe@townsquaremedia.com

It's Trunk Or Treat Time!

Huge List of Halloween Trunk or Treat and Family-Friendly Events in Southeast Minnesota

If you are looking for a fun and safe Halloween event for your kids this year, check out this huge list of trunk or treats and fun, family-friendly events happening in Rochester and throughout Southeast Minnesota!

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