5 Rochester Halloween Costume Ideas You Need To Try
It's never too early to start thinking about what you want to be for Halloween!
Before I dig in, I want to stress that this blog post is supposed to be sarcastic and humorous. I don't actually encourage anyone to hurt each other. I just think we could be creative... and theme that with our city.
- Getty Images
Getty Images 1A car wreck
You've got to admit, we sure have a lot of them! Just find a car costume and sew it together with another one your friend is wearing.
- 2
A restaurant closing
Make your own closed sign, hang it around yourself, and ta-da! You're a Rochester restaurant that's closing!
- Jupiterimages
Jupiterimages 3A Mayo nurse
Okay - a lot of you have this costume already. Why not save a few bucks and celebrate Mayo? Or, you know.. focus on saving a few bucks.
- Thinkstock
Thinkstock 4A Canadian goose
This one would take some work to put together, but hey - it'd be funny! You could buy one too. Lord knows we have enough of them here!
You could also add on a Rochester Honkers cap and say you're a Honker!
- Target
Target 5The Cascade Lake alligator
Hey, no one has said they HAVEN'T found him yet!
Why not spoof the whole ordeal from earlier this year?