Think of it as a chance to make some extra money to pay for the holidays, or even get your foot in the door to start a brand new career!

Target is one of the world's most recognized brands and one of America's leading retailers. Plus it's corporate headquarters just so happens to also be right in our own backyard here in Minnesota.

Right now, they're looking to hire 120,000 seasonal workers (a 20% increase from last year) over the coming weeks to help them during the busiest time of our year - the holiday season.

For the past two years I've applied and worked as a seasonal Target team member myself, and loved it. Starting the Monday before Thanksgiving I've picked up anywhere from 15-20 hours per week through the New Year and it paid for my entire families Christmas gifts, and then some! I enjoyed my time there so much and got along with my supervisors so well, I was even invited back to help out during the north locations six week store remodel last summer.

You can bet I'm going to try working there over the holiday's again in a few weeks as well.

In case you're curious about what kind of benefits go along with the job:

  • A variety of schedules are offered, so they're very flexible
  • 10% discount at Target and + 20% off fruits & veggies, Simply Balanced and C9 merchandise
  • All seasonal staff will earn Target's recently increased minimum wage of $12-an-hour

Those interested can apply at

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