I'm sure by now you've heard a lot about 13-year-old Jaequan Faulkner, owner of Mr. Faulkner's Old-Fashioned Hot Dogs, a hot dog stand set up outside of his Minneapolis home.

Recently someone tried to shut down his stand, by reporting him to the health department saying Jaequan didn't have a permit to be selling food to the public. First of all, this makes me mad, he's a 13-year-old having a good time selling hot dogs. That's like if someone called the health department on a lemonade stand.

Anyway! The city helped Jaequan get the permit needed and he is still selling hot dogs! Woo!

The newest part of his journey: Oscar Meyer recently paid his stand a visit and donated hundreds of hot dogs to his stand and it should last him the rest of the summer! Wow, that's awesome! It gets even better too, they also took him for a ride in the Wienermobile!

Check out WCCO's video of Oscar Meyer surprising Jaequan and read more HERE!


Source: WCCO


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