I think this might be the most road construction I've seen since we moved here. Cripes!As you've no doubt seen, it seems like every road in Olmsted Co. is under construction. Broadway being down to one lane is a major pain in the keister. On the bright side, I got to drive on some of the finished part and it was nice. So, we've got that to look forward to. It's easy to bitch about road construction but then you (or at least I do) really appreciate it once it's done.

Though it is pretty maddening. I was on my way home for lunch and of course, lunch time, there's a back up. Took about 20 minutes to go from Chipotle to Kwik Trip on 20th and Broadway. THEN, As i was coming back down, they weren't letting anyone go left so I had to take a right onto South Broadway and go down through Walmart and take the back roads to get back to the station.

But I just keep telling myself, "It won't be long now."

If you find yourself in that situation, just do like Frank Costanza. Serenity now. Serenity now.

Sure it sucks. But it WILL be over soon and the drive on Broadway will be much smoother. The other roads? Who the hell knows. I wish they'd hurry it up!

Serenity now. Serenity now.


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