Work Resumes Tuesday on Busy Downtown Rochester Street
Rochester, MN (KROC AM News) - An alert for downtown Rochester motorists.
Beginning Tuesday, the section of 4th St SW between 1st and 6th avenues will be affected by the project that was started but left unfinished last year.
This means the eastbound lanes will be closed and only one westbound lane will be open in that four-block stretch of 4th St. Also, the intersection of 3rd Avenue and 4th Street will be closed to all traffic, including pedestrians. The project is now expected to be completed by August.
The city says work will focus primarily on bike facilities, boulevards, and pedestrian amenities.
New Features for Pedestrians:
Crosswalks across 4th Street SW will be shortened by adding curb bump-outs. Some crosswalks will have a raised median, providing pedestrian refuge. A curbless intersection will be constructed at 2nd Avenue SW to prototype the future Discovery Walk curbless street design. Wider sidewalks and amenity zones per the DMC Development Guidelines recommendations.
New Features for Bikes:
The City has designated 4th Street SW as a bicycle route. A protected bicycle facility will be constructed as part of this project. The bike facility will be located between the curb and parked cars, with a 3-foot striped buffer between the bike facility and parking lane. Enhanced pavement markings for bike facilities that will increase the visibility of bikes to vehicles.
New Features for Cars:
The existing traffic signals at 1st Avenue SW, 3rd Avenue SW and 4th Avenue SW will be replaced.
The number of on-street parking stalls will be increased. The City plans to reconstruct 4th Street SW within the existing 90’-wide right-of-way.