This is what happens when a group of amazingly talented people band together.

Recently, several local artists, poets, and musicians decided to band together and the answer the question, "why are we being ignored?" Why that feeling? Well, it's easy to feel ignored when the venues that harbor such talent seem to be disappearing one by one in our area. Trust, me the list is a long one.

The meeting place was set at Cafe Steam.

TSM Rochester
TSM Rochester

I'm told the results were super successful! In fact, plenty of us watched the live stream of this meeting on Facebook. We watched as Rochester's artists held a mirror to themselves, and seriously looked at what could be done to improve the arts scene.

Just for a brief synopsis, there was a resounding sentiment that everyone should be stepping their game up. Let's give Rochester something to get excited about! Not that there isn't plenty of awesome shows being put on already... but let's allow Rochester to hear about it! For crying out loud I've seen pyro used locally when the Wicked Moose was still here! Who doesn't love that!?

There was also a general consensus that more of these meetings should be documented on social media (agreed!), and the weekend Mayo Clinic audience should be recognized (good point - they can spread the word nationally!) too. We definitely need more/improved facilities, but that situation is still up in the air.

It's my belief that these are fantastic steps in the right direction, although personally I never thought anything was "wrong" with the Rochester arts scene at all. You just have to discover it.

TSM Rochester
TSM Rochester


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