The Minnesota Twins came to town Tuesday night for the annual caravan visit and many thought this was the best show ever!

A crowd of around 300 Twins fans were entertained by Twins announcer Kris Atteberry, pitchers Glen Perkins and Kyle Gibson, Hall of Famer, former Twin and current Twins TV broadcaster Bert Blyleven, along with Twins' President Dave St. Peter.

TC Bear with young Twins fans
TC Bear with young Twins fans

T.C. Bear was there too, but didn't say much..

Everyone was in a positive mood regarding the upcoming season, of course, but one of the highlights was Kyle Gibson's demonstration of the "Whip and Nae Nae" dance that he performed more than one time in the clubhouse after a Twins win. (check out the video at the top of the post)

Thanks to all who came and a special thanks to the Kahler. Spring training is right around the corner!

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