It was a new take on a popular food that was supposed to make its debut at this year's  Minnesota State Fair, but now, it's been pulled from the menu!

Now before you go all crazy, no, it's not Sweet Martha's Cookies. Of COURSE, they're still going to be at the Fair this year. And, no, it's not one of my other favorites-- Lift Bridge Brewery's Mini Donut Beer-- it'll still be at the Fair too, as will the cheese curds, cotton candy and the Prono Pups.

But if you were excited to try the Wingwalker Donut Flight, I've got bad news for you-- it's been pulled from the menu at this year's Great Minnesota Get-Together. The Donut Flight was going to feature several donut holes along with a plastic syringe that would allow you to inject your favorite filling directly into each hole.

And that's what caused the problem-- the plastic syringes. Or, more specifically, the WASTE generated by everyone throwing all those syringes away. According to this KARE-11 story, a online petition was started to get the Fair to not allow such waste at the Fair.

And the State Fair listened. The story says the Fair Board released a statement saying, you'll still be able to get the donut holes, but they will "instead be served in a compostable tray with three dipping compartments for Bavarian cream, chocolate custard and lingonberry jam." Without those pesky syringes, making the Fair as environmentally-friendly as it can be.

This year's Minnesota State Fair is set to run from August 22nd through September 2nd. You can check out ALL the new foods at this year's Fair HERE.

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