Sure we had a gorgeous, warm Easter weekend. Most of our near-record snow is gone--again. But here's the surest sign yet that spring really is here in Minnesota.

Even though temperatures in parts of southeast Minnesota Easter Sunday were well into the 80's (Austin reportedly hit 86 Sunday!) and we're less than two weeks away from the start of May, Minnesotans still get a little twitchy when it comes to declaring that Spring has, in fact, sprung.

That's because we all know what can happen if we appear to be too glib too soon about the arrival of warmer weather in Minnesota, right? Bingo. A freak Spring snowstorm can come out of nowhere and dump several inches of snow right back on top of us.

Kind of like what happened less than two weeks ago, when we got several inches of the not-welcomed white stuff. Or, of course, like what happened back on May 2nd of 2013-- when Old Man Winter just wouldn't let go, and dumped nearly 14-inches of snow on us!

But here's the surest sign yet that the warmer may actually be here to stay: Bugs on your windshield. While just last week we were wiping snow off our cars, after having driven back from spending Easter with family in the Twin Cities yesterday, our windshield was littered with splattered bugs.

And if that's not a sure sign of warmer weather here in Minnesota, I don't know what is!  Hoo boy, it's almost like it's the middle of June! Have you had to clean any bugs off your windshield yet this year?

Listen to Curt St. John from 6 to 10 a.m. on Quick Country 96.5
and from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on 103.9 The Doc

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