The Reason Some Olympians Aren’t Shaking Hands
One of sport's most time-honored traditions is in danger of not happening at the Pyeongchang Olympics.
Olympic officials have told players to fist-bump one another rather than shaking hands to prevent transmission of the highly contagious viral disease norovirus. U.S. Hockey defenseman James Wisniewski's father tested positive for norovirus last week and is one of 49 of 283 confirmed Olympic cases still in quarantine.
The U.S. men's team hockey team will not be shaking hands. It remains to be known if the lack of handshakes will translate beyond the hickey rink.
Women's Hockey teams have decided to continue shaking hands, which included the U.S. and Finland women's team after their semifinal earlier today. Players know about the warning and decided the meaning behind the postgame ritual outweighs the risks.
Olympic officials feel it's better to be safe by fist bumping rather than risk getting more players ill.
With flu season still raging on here in Minnesota, will we see more fist-bumps rather than hand-shakes during sections this week in boys hockey? Wrestling? Girls basketball?