The first cellphone many people may remember seeing was the one that agent Maxwell Smart used in the old TV show “Get Smart”. You might recall his phone was also part of his shoe. Cellular phones evolved in the 80s. It’s hard to forget the giant brick cellphones used in movies like ‘Wall Street’ and tv shows such as ‘Saved By The Bell’. At the time, the characters that used them looked so cool. Now they look about as primitive as Fred Flintstone’s prehistoric shell phone.

But do you remember YOUR very first cellphone?  I don’t remember the exact make, model or year of mine but I know I had a black Nokia phone in the mid-90s. I also had the very stylish matching belt holster to carry it in. Over the years I’ve upgraded to flip phones, slide qwerty keyboard phones and today I own an HTC One smartphone. No doubt 5 to 10 years from now, I’ll look back at my current phone and mock it for being so ancient.

Digital expert Kim Komando put out a video that shows the “evolution of the cellphone” from 1973 to today. Enjoy this fun trip down memory lane and see how many of these models you remember.

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