Texas Cancer Survivor Drives To Minnesota To Thank Marrow Donor
Here’s a great, uplifting story about just how far one good deed can really go. Michelle Hayes, a kindergarten teacher from Baytown, Texas, had been undergoing treatments for a life-threatening form of leukemia. There was plenty of concern among her family, as she desperately needed a bone marrow transplant, but did not have a matching relative.
Meanwhile, back in the Twin Cities, Peter Favilla received a phone call from a blood center. Twenty years ago, he had signed up for the national bone marrow registry (which he had since forgot about). It turns out that Peter was a perfect match with Michelle. Even though the only thing he knew about Michelle was her age and gender, he felt compelled to help out. Once the wheels were in motion, he drove down to the Mayo Clinic in Rochester and donated more than one-and-a-half liters of bone marrow.
Two years later, Michelle is a cancer survivor, and extremely grateful for Peter’s sacrifice – so much so that she drove thousands of miles to thank him personally.
This video captures that exact moment, and I’m going to warn you, it might make you feel like you just got done chopping an entire crate of onions.
Is that not amazing? It’s a great reminder of how we can be given one unexpected moment to step up and be a hero to someone we may not even know.
If that happens to you…what will you do? Michelle and Peter’s story makes that an easy decision for me.
Source: KARE & HeartThreads via Facebook