I've lived in Chicago. Sure, it's windy by the lake in the "windy city" but it ain't got nothing on Rochester. I found that out yesterday.

In the almost 8 years I've lived here, I've noticed it can get pretty windy in Rochester. And it happens quite often.

Well, I rarely park my truck in the lower parking lot here at work. But I did yesterday, on one of the windiest days we've had in a while. We've got a garbage can (the big one on wheels) right outside our studio. Yesterday, the wind actually moved the empty garbage can across our parking lot, into the next parking lot, where my truck was parked. It's funny because there were plenty of other cars and trucks it could have run into. PLENTY! But it chose mine. Not sure why but this is what I walked up to. SON OF A....

truck with a scratch


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