Saturday Is Youth Waterfowl Day In Minnesota
It’s going to be a beautiful weekend, and there are plenty of things to do outside. But for any hunters out there looking to introduce their kid(s) to the sport, Saturday is Youth Waterfowl Day.
According to the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, youths ages 15 and younger and go waterfowl hunting if they’re accompanied by an adult. I guess that might be a bummer if you’re hoping to hunt yourself, but it’s still a cool opportunity to get younger people involved.
Here are some of the rules:
- Young hunters can take regular season bag limits for ducks, and up to five Canadian geese statewide
- Accompanying adults don’t need a hunting license (although I’m guessing you’d have one anyway)
- Hunters ages 13 to 15 must have a firearms safety certificate or apprentice hunter validation
- Ducks, Canadian geese, and other fowl may be taken 30 minutes before sunrise up to 4PM that day.
The MN DNR has more info on waterfowl hunting here. You can check out the details on Youth Waterfowl Day here as well.
Good luck, and happy huntin’!