Everyone has been asking "WHERE IS ROBIN?"  Well, tonight we found out. And I've got good news and bad news. (NEWS pun TOTALLY intended!) She has been on extended leave taking care of her family, but tonight on the news they announced she will NOT be returning to our TV screens. (That's all bad news, the good news is below!)

Robin Wolfram has been a news anchor with KTTC for five years, and in that time the former Miss Iowa has won the hearts of most of the people in our community, taught a bunch of us how to apply fake eyelashes for galas and nights on stage, and tried (and failed) to teach me how to walk in a pair of heels without looking like a newborn giraffe...

Chatting with Robin today, there were a lot of laughs, a few tears, and a whole lot of excitement. "It was a really difficult decision. I was home for an extended FMLA taking care of my mom primarily because she had been in the hospital for a month and a half with several health-related issues. My sister and I both went down together because we also noticed that my dad's dementia had really progressed and he wasn't really able to take care of himself in the way we felt was necessary. Long story short, when my brother and sister and I were there, our parents were so happy and alive again and not just sleeping all day, and my dad seemed far more stable, and their quality of life had improved so much any time the presence of one of their children was there, that I thought this is something I really need to do, to be their full time caretakers", she said.

"It was one of the most difficult decisions I have ever made. It's extremely bittersweet. In the same moment that I feel about leaving, I also feel a strong conviction that this is exactly what I need to be doing. I can't even tell you how great my time here in Rochester has been. It's been so wonderful, and it's really hard, a big part of me doesn't want to go, but I know I have to. I made so many wonderful friends here and my heart is very much still in Rochester, and I'm just an hour and a half drive away, so I'll still be in Rochester quite a bit." said Robin.

Right now she is dabbling in some interior and exterior design jobs when she can work them in -- more like a hobby than a job. (Did you guys know that Robin also used to host a design show on HGTV and as a hobby, used to have a home design business?) But she hinted at the possibility of returning to TV at some point in the future. Ever the newscaster, she is leaving us with a teaser!

And now for the happiest news of all: Amidst all of this, Robin's left hand got much heavier a few weeks ago when her boyfriend, Rick Hueser, asked her to marry him! Seriously, I don't know which is bigger, their smiles, or that rock!

photo Credit: Robin Wolfram
Rick Hueser and Robin Wolfram photo Credit: Robin Wolfram

Here are some of my favorite memories with Robin!

The night we met...

photo credit: Megan Kennedy
Robin Wolfram, Megan Kennedy, Tracy McCray photo credit: Megan Kennedy

One of our monthly girly brunches...

photo credit: Robin Wolfram
front row: Megan Kennedy, Robin Wolfram back row: Laura Elwood, Mary McGuire, Judy Braatz photo credit: Robin Wolfram

A friend's birthday party!

Photo Credit: Robin Wolfram
Photo Credit: Robin Wolfram

I'm mostly posting this one because all four of us look awesome in it. It's just a really good picture of us, right?!?!?!

photo credit: Megan Kennedy
Robin's birthday party Judy Braatz, Tom Overlie, Robin Wolfram, Megan Kennedy photo credit: Megan Kennedy

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