Halloween is just around the corner, which for the kiddies (and some adult kids) out there means there's plenty of candy on the horizon. But how awesome would it be if you could mix your love of metal with your sweet tooth? Luckily Rob Zombie has got you covered.

In a new Instagram post, Zombie reveals that he's got Halloween candy available for purchase in three pretty incredible coffin boxes. Each has unique artwork, one for "Meet the Creeper," one for "Living Dead Girl" and one for "Super Beast." The candies are available at Zombie's website and you can get a closer look below.

In other Rob Zombie news, one very key details about the branded pinball machine that Zombie revealed was in the works back in July has come to light. The artwork, done by Alex Horley, has been unveiled and you can get a closer look in Zombie's Instagram post below.

The makers of the Rob Zombie Spookshow International pinball machine state, "This is a fully authorized, licensed, and bad ass arcade quality pinball machine. We’re currently taking pre-orders, with no obligation or money down. Once we have the full art package we’ll show the complete game, and you’ll get all the details on how to buy your own Rob Zombie Spookshow International pinball game!”

Over 300 of the machines will be made and it's expected that they'll start shipping in January. For additional details and updates, click here.

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