‘Rick And Morty’ Is Bringing The Rickmobile To Minnesota
It’s been a great year to be a fan of the hilarious cartoon Rick And Morty. Not only did the show help bring the legendary Szechuan Sauce to Rochester (which was actually tasty, too), but it’s been confirmed that the show was renewed for 70 episodes. Awesome.
But for the diehard fans here in the Med City, I have some really cool news: The Rickmobile is coming to Minnesota!
That’s because the “Don’t Even Trip: Road Trip 2018” tour is bringing the Rickmobile to Minneapolis on Friday, August 10th. The Rickmobile will park at a to-be-announced location and set up shop as a temporary store where fans can buy Rick And Morty merch.
It's a bummer the Rickmobile isn't making its way through Rochester, but a quick drive up to the Twin Cities might be worth it. Wubba Lubba Dub Dub!
More info here.
Source: Adult Swim
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