Renaissance Festival Will Happen with No Restrictions
Here's something to look forward to- The Ren Fest is Back! August 21-October 3rd. Plus Labor Day and Festival Day which is October 1. This was on their Facebook page.
Last year, along with basically everything else, the Renaissance Festival was cancelled. It's one of those things that Minnesotans like to attend at the end of summer. It gives people a chance to experience a festival that puts you back in time and it's like a giant interactive play where you can buy cool artsy type things and drink Mead. What is mead? It's basically a wine that is made from fermented honey and some fruits and stuff. And it's pretty potent. Can have up to 18% alcohol content. I'm not sure that the stuff they serve at the Minnesota Ren Fest is that potent, but it can be.
Having a festival that involves no restrictions is something that Minnesota has not experienced in a bit over a year. And most people are going to breathe a sigh of relief- or they won't go. It will be one or the other. I do think it will still be well attended as most people you come into contact with will express the want to have some normalcy back in Minnesota.

The Renaissance Festival along with the Minnesota State Fair are the two events that unofficially mark the end of Summer and the move into Fall. If you feel really ambitious, you could do both in one weekend. Grab a hotel room and visit the fair one day, then hit up the Ren Fest the next day. It will be a busy weekend, but why not? We have been homebound for so long, might as well get out and enjoy.
Cheers or HUZZAH, as they say.
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