Prepare To Not Unsee A Cow Giving Birth At The Olmsted County Fair
The Olmsted County Fair has a lot of things going on for it: live music, a beer garden, exhibitions, food, rides – pretty much everything you’d expect at a fair.
But they’re taking it up a notch this year by giving you the chance to see real-life miracles. Personally, the only time I’ve seen a cow giving birth was during that one scene in City Slickers, so I’m pretty interested what the Miracle of Birth Center has to offer.
While you’re at the fair, you’ll want to keep your ears peeled for any announcements from the Birth Center, because they’ll be alerting fairgoers when an animal is going into labor. You can also check their Facebook page for updates as well. I don’t know about you, but I’m totally down to see something that I’ll never be able to unsee!
The Birth Center also has some cool stuff like a cow milking contest on Thursday at 1PM, plus local farmers and veterinarians on hand to answer questions. You can also help name all the calves born at the fair on their Facebook page, too.
The Miracle of Birth Center is open Tuesday through Saturday from 9AM to 9PM. It’s located inside building 43 on Arena Drive SE at the Olmsted County Fairgrounds.
High chance I may never want to eat a hamburger again, so I should be prepared for that possibility.
Source: Olmsted County Fair