A youth soccer tournament is taking place this weekend in Eden Prarie but with a twist: the parents and coaches won't be allowed on the sidelines.

The thought is to allow the kids to do their own thing, communicate more, and get creative. They'll be given instruction before they play but other than that, it's sort of a free for all.

The tournament is being hosted by the Minnesota Youth Soccer Association and Life Time Sport. Stephanie Hu is the senior vice president of Life Time Sport. She told WCCO that there will be a line for parents and coaches to stand behind about 30 feet from the field.

This could be a great change, I personally think they should try this out at other tournaments, see how it goes! Stephanie made a good point to WCCO that “Around the world, some of the best players are the ones who played pickup all the time. That’s how you actually get good.”

The tournament is this weekend, June 1st - 2nd.


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