Mount Rushmore is one of the most famous monuments on the planet. It's made South Dakota famous the world over and attracts huge numbers in tourism every year. And while most who visit the memorial marvel over the amazing achievement in its construction, there are some on the internet who subscribe to one of the most outrageous conspiracies of all time.

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The Conspiracy: Mt. Rushmore is a Natural Rock Formation?

Credit: Canva
Credit: Canva

Believe it or not, some contend that the presidents whose faces were carved onto South Dakota's most famous mountain nearly 100 years ago (Washington, Jefferson, Roosevelt, Lincoln) were already there to begin with.

As weird as that may seem, a sizeable group of people adhere to this belief. Recently, while looking for videos on the construction of Mt. Rushmore, I stumbled upon a video that subscribes to this bizarre theory. What's most surprising is that it has garnered nearly 300,000 views.

This strange idea can be debunked with a simple photo.

Credit: It's History via YouTube
Credit: It's History via YouTube

Now, I'm all for differing opinions in life and marching to the beat of your own drum, but to spew a complete falsehood about one of our nation's most visited monuments is just ridiculous in my book.

If you want to see for yourself, check out the video in this link. But beware, you'll probably be just as upset as I was while viewing this "documentary".

And to view an actual representation of the engineering behind Mt. Rushommre, check out the video below from It's History.

11 Famous People from South Dakota

OK, so we're not Hollywood, but there are a number of famous people who were born in the Rushmore State. Here's a list of 10 famous people who were born in South Dakota!

Gallery Credit: Danny V

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