As I was scrolling through my Facebook News Feed, I came across a post from a friend of mine in St. Paul that was very disheartening. Now, this being America and all, and the "Land of the Free," it's a person's right to fly whatever flag they want. Be it rainbow-colored, a rebel flag or, hell, even a Packer flag. (That's what I fly at my house during football season.)

But I think this is a little much. I wonder if the guy that has this flag in his yard really, truly believes in the Nazi ideology or if he's doing to be an a**hole neighbor. My bet is on the "a**hole neighbor" part.

I should also mention that the friend of mine has another neighbor that is Jewish and, apparently, she's a little scared. And probably for good reason. I think that's what makes this whole thing appalling.

What do YOU think? Is it okay for this guy to fly his Nazi flag or should he remove it?

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